On December 14, 2024, team of students from the School of Aerospace Engineering USM participated in the 2024 Aerospace Grand Design Challenge held at Universiti Malaya.

Organized by CREST, TGL - The Great Lab, MAIA, and Universiti Malaya, the competition posed challenging Aerospace Challenge Statements for participants to solve. The statements were divided into four tracks: Track 1: Drone, Track 2: Composite Manufacturing, Track 3: Aeronautical Telecommunication, and Track 4: Non-Destructive Testing (NDT).
More than 15 competitors advanced to the semi-finals, and 5 finalists were announced on the same day. The finalists were then tasked with pitching their innovations and ideas, showcasing their working prototypes to a panel of esteemed judges and renowned industry leaders.

With exceptional determination and teamwork, the USM Skyscanner Group emerged as the 1st place winner of the competition with their project title Development of a RF-UART Based Multi-Nodal Communication Framework for UAV Mission Enhancement.
May this achievement inspire aerospace students to aim higher and fly further in their future endeavors.

Text and photo : Zihad Mahmud