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School of Aerospace Engineering

USM Skyscanner Group won first place at Aerospace Grand Design Challenge 2024

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On December 14, 2024, team of students from the School of Aerospace Engineering USM participated in the 2024 Aerospace Grand Design Challenge held at Universiti Malaya.

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Organized by CREST, TGL - The Great Lab, MAIA, and Universiti Malaya, the competition posed challenging Aerospace Challenge Statements for participants to solve. The statements were divided into four tracks: Track 1: Drone, Track 2: Composite Manufacturing, Track 3: Aeronautical Telecommunication, and Track 4: Non-Destructive Testing (NDT).

More than 15 competitors advanced to the semi-finals, and 5 finalists were announced on the same day. The finalists were then tasked with pitching their innovations and ideas, showcasing their working prototypes to a panel of esteemed judges and renowned industry leaders.

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With exceptional determination and teamwork, the USM Skyscanner Group emerged as the 1st place winner of the competition with their project title Development of a RF-UART Based Multi-Nodal Communication Framework for UAV Mission Enhancement.
May this achievement inspire aerospace students to aim higher and fly further in their future endeavors.

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Text and photo : Zihad Mahmud