The main activities of the AEROFAIR 2015 program was the workshop and the competition, held in the Dewan Utama (DU) of the USM Engineering Campus. We received full attendance from all the participants. We also sent formal invitations to relevant institutions to officiate our program: these are the (1) Unit Ko-Kurikulum, Jabatan Pendidikan Pulau Pinang, […]

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera, Kepada semua AJK dan Fasilitator AEROFAIR 2015, Hari Utama AEROFAIR 2015 makin hampir iaitu pada Sabtu minggu ini 25/4/2015, dari 8 pagi hingga 5 petang. Saya berharap kita semua dapat hadir sepenuh masa dari awal untuk memberi sumbangan dalam bentuk buah fikiran, tenaga, dan masa pada hari tersebut. Paling utama sekali […]

The regulations of the Indoor Flight Competition are as follows: COMPETITION RULESThe main rules of the competition are: The flight time is counted from the plane’s release time until its landing, regardless of what obstacles (ceiling, wall, lamp, other planes, etc) the plane crashes into during flight. If the plane crashes into an obstacle and […]